Production wraps on Channel 4 series Patience

Channel 4 says filming has wrapped on Patience, the new six-part police crime drama set in York starring Laura Fraser and Ella Maisy Purvis and based on fan favourite French series Astrid: Murder In Paris.

Patience Evans (Ella Maisy Purvis) works in the criminal records department of Yorkshire Police, cataloguing and filing the evidence produced during major cases. A young autistic woman, she craves routine and order, relishing the solitude and structure her job provides but she yearns for more. A brilliant, self-taught criminologist, Patience has an instinctive eye for crime scenes and a passion for problem-solving.

Detective Bea Metcalf (Laura Fraser) is the first person to spot and utilize her talent, which opens a door into a whole new world for Patience.  Patience attends a regular support group for autistic adults where they discuss the barriers in operating in a neuro-typical world and how best to navigate it. All neuro-divergent characters within the series will be played by neuro-diverse actors, including the title role of Patience.

More news as we get it.

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