Rebecka Martinsson who is Sascha Zacharias

Rebecka Martinsson: Why did Ida Engvoll leave?

Series two of Nordic Noir Rebecka Martinsson begins in the UK on More4 on Friday (8th January).

Based on the novels by Åsa Larsson, the series tells the story of a Stockholm-based lawyer who returns to her hometown in the north of the country in Kiruna.

The show became a hit in the UK in 2019, but a new actress – Sascha Zacharias – has replaced Ida Engvoll for the second series.

But who is Sascha Zacharias and why did Ida leave?

Who is Sascha Zacharias?

41-year-old Sascha is the daughter of Swedish actress Ann Zacharias and actor and singer Sven-Bertil Taube, and was born in Stockholm.

When she was 18 she went to Rome and landed roles in Italian dramas, including Raccontami and Caroline Desideri. She also starred in the film Tatanka, adapted from a novella by Roberto ‘Gomorrah‘ Saviano.

Since returning to Sweden eight years ago, she appeared in small parts in Modus and Beck.

She’s also trained to be a dental nurse.

What did Sascha say about Rebecka Martinsson?

In an interview with Aftonbladet, Sascha said: “I am very grateful to be able to take over from such a fantastic actress.

“When I watched the first series, I thought a lot about how Ida did certain things. 

“But on second viewing, I did not feel that I needed to pick up exactly where she left off, in that storyline, because Rebecka is now in another place and has to find herself.”

“I just hope I am accepted, that people do not think they have wasted their time if they watch the series.”

Why did Ida Engvoll leave?

Although there has been no official statement from Ida, we managed to track down a spokesperson, who told us: “Scheduling difficulties prohibited Ida from being part of the second season. She was, however, one of the show’s executive producers.”

And that’s important to remember: she’s still part of the show’s background team.

Since Rebecka Martinsson, Ida has starred in Netflix series Love & Anarchy, and will star in the upcoming Sweden film, White Trash.

Rebecka Martinsson: Arctic Murders (series 2): Friday 8th January, 9pm, More4


18 thoughts on “Rebecka Martinsson: Why did Ida Engvoll leave?”

    1. it feels strange they changed the lead character by another actress but keeping the name equal. usually, the main character is written off the script and the new actor is introduced as its follow-up.


  1. Don’t think I will hang around for Season 2. Changing characters was bad enough but to take an actor from Season 1 and transform her into Rebecka for Season 2 is ridiculous and not believable. What a way to ruin a promising Series!


  2. I’m giving the new actor a chance. Upon watching the first two episodes of the 2nd season, I admit that there is a believability that is lacking. But I am giving her the chance because I loved the 1st season, and though she is a very promising young actor, not all of that was due to Ida‘s presence. I have no way of knowing, but it is possible that Ida who is very popular, couldn’t come to a suitable financial agreement that would permit her to continue, or there could be more personal reasons. I’m not going to hold it against the new actor. She deserves the chance to prove herself. This will be difficult enough. The way the 2nd episode of the 2nd season ended, I think it is possible for the new actor to fill this role. On-screen, she has the same remarkable warmth with children that Ida did. Perhaps that warmth will grow, and with that, the believability.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Must admit the first two episodes were a bit thin but, for me, it improved considerably in future episodes. I did not mind a new actress in the main role as the supporting cast came more into the limelight. Scenery, everyday life and characters made it work for me. Somehow, characters appear more normal to me in these series, compared to many UK crime series. I ended up hoping for a third series


  4. I’m confused, this is 2021 isn’t it? Why are we talking about the bizarre 2nd Season with a 40 something actress with BROWN hair replacing a BLONDE and BOTH ARE USING THE SAME NAME Rebecka Martinsson?


  5. We loved the first series .. but the second, with the surprise change of lead, has literally lost the plot. Very disappointing.


  6. so disappointing, textbook rule of ruin a good series, with all respect to the new actress but she should not play the same person, she should have replaced her with a new name and Rebecca should have gone to stockholm or so. I don’t watch anymore, sorry. we are not sheep herders

    Liked by 1 person

  7. she’s just not Ida in the role. tried too hard to make it her own when she needed to stay true to the character


  8. I can’t believe they did that. Changing the lead actress for an absolutely different person with a totally different vibe is really bad. I am done with the series.


  9. I too was very put off when I started watching season 2 and there was a new Rebecka. I thought it was lame and insulting. I only made it through half of episode one. But then a couple of days later, I went back in. Just finished episode 8. It was even better than the first season. They all did such a fabuloys job! I laughed hard and cried hard. Thank you for this wonderful series.


  10. Ich fand Ida Engvoll deutlich besser als Figur Rebecca Martinson, denn sie ist einfach wunderschön und unglaublich sexy! Die Folge, in der sie sich mit dem krebskranken Pathologen betrinkt ist einfach super! Trotzdem schaue ich die 2 Staffel, denn die Krimis sind einfach Klasse! Trotzdem schade!


  11. Lead change shocked me. Liked the first Rebecca best, but whole cast is good. Have to reorient to series and after season 2/episosde, may give up on series.


  12. Call me a prude, or whatever. When Ida “killed” the dog (S1E8), I lost interest. That scene added NOTHING to the show. S2 is off my list; Ida or not.


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