The first series four trailer for The Bridge hits internet

Despite the sheer weight of new crime drama this year, there’s only one series we’ve got our eyes on. (Actually, that’s not entirely true, we have our eyes on series six of Spiral, a couple of things on Netflix, the Williams brothers’ Rellik, and The Deuce on HBO/Sky Atlantic). But for dramatic effect, let’s just assume that we have indeed got our eyes on one particular series – the fourth instalment of The Bridge. Or Bron, or Broen, depending on where you come from. There is excitement in the air because the first proper trailer has been released. Ch-ch-ch-check it out!

Over on The Bridge’s facebook page, which is an excellent way to keep up with all the (official) news, this trailer was revealed this morning.

Have a look at the trailer and I’ll add my comments afterwards. Enjoy!

Well, we were told that the fourth series would feature more Copenhagen-based action, and a resolution to Henrik Sabroe’s missing family. But here we get more – a woman buried up to her neck and stoned to death, a clown in a hospital room, a machine gun gang, people screaming.

In an age where we’re told that so-called Nordic Noir has had its day, this trailer is a big middle finger to those who think that. It looks fantastic, scary and we just can’t wait to see where Saga is in her life. Throughout the trailer everyone seems to be asking after Saga – where she is, how she is. And there she is, right at the very end as if waking up from a dream.

I have to ask this: are we all over Martin Rohde now? Probably, although it’d be wonderful if he did make n appearance in this final series. Back to the beginning again, as theme song goes. Kim Bodnia, who’ll be appearing in a new version of Watership Down for the BBC, has been quiet recently, but I saw something about 35 seconds in that flared my Martin radar. Was that him in the shadows holding someone up against a wall? Probably not, but you never know.

We’re hopeful that, like the rest of Europe, series four will air on BBC Four on 1st January, although there has been no official confirmation.

For all our news and reviews of The Bridge, go here

18 thoughts on “The first series four trailer for The Bridge hits internet”

  1. Totally conflicted by the news… super-massively excited and sad at the same time. All good things come to an end, even the very best of TV shows but what a legacy Bron leaves in its wake! Can’t wait for 1/1/2018


  2. Finally some photage!

    Four series is fairly unusual by Scandinavian measures. I really hope the final one will be as good as we’ve come to expect and provide some answers and continuations to previous plot lines including something of Martin, though I don’t think it’s him we’re seeing in this trailer. I could easily see them just making a point of mentioning something about him like they did in series 3.

    I’m quite excited for the simultaneous broadcasting too. That’s quite a feat and really speaks to the popularity of the series.


  3. I cant wait for series 4 to start! I’m a disgustingly huge Nordic Noir fan and knowing that the new series is starting soon has made my day. I’d love for Martin to make an appearance but knowing how he’s felt about Denmark’s racial issues (unfortunately its not just in Denmark) I think its unlikely. I’m so happy I cant sit still – like a child wanting to go for a wee!


      1. Paul, it’s even closer… Only four-and-a-half months away. Now, that doesn’t seem as far away as nearly a half year does ;)


  4. Am I alone in preferring Henrik to Martin? His interplay with Saga was much more interesting for me. I can see them growing old together, both wearing leather trousers…


    1. Oh, Henrik is an excellent character and I’m definitely looking forward to seeing how much we will find out about what happened to his family and what will happen between him and Saga (though I doubt there will be a happy ending when it comes down to it), but I still want some little news about Martin.


  5. Kiitos hyvää, Paul :). Entä sinulle? I’m getting hyped up for the upcoming year 2018 with all these excellent tv shows: The Brigde 4, A Place to Call Home 4 and Poldark 3, which all start in January here in Finland, and plenty more later… If I remember correctly Trapped 2 will also be shown in 2018? And what other interesting and new shows there will be?


      1. Yes, I know. If I remember correctly, many new shows in the UK start in September, and later all the wonderful Christmas specials, and so on. I’ve been trying to google what new British shows (crime or other sorts) to look for this autumn but haven’t found any good lists, yet.


  6. I’m alright if Martin Rohde doesn’t make an appearance — I know S2 & S3 left some opportunities available for this, but if he doesn’t come back, the way the story has left him so far is a satisfactory point (for me).

    I’m certainly much more intrigued by how current critically-acclaimed shows (eg. Twin Peaks, Top of the Lake) have been consciously toying with audience expectation — that is, this trailer seems to emphasize Henrik’s plot more than Saga’s; everyone is up in arms about TOTL: China Girl (a lot of derision aimed at the lack of beautiful scenery — though this seems intentional); we still don’t have the “real” Dale Cooper.


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