Review: Dicte (S1 E4/5), Friday 24th June, More4

Screen Shot 2016-06-28 at 17.49.29Apologies for the delay in writing this review, but the little (and odd combination) of an EU referendum and its inevitable fall-out and lots and lots of football (the European Championship, no less) meant that my mind wasn’t really on crime drama or casting a critical eye over it. But now, looking for a distraction or two from the world, I took the opportunity to dig back into Danish crime series Dicte. And, wouldn’t you know it, this fourth episode of the five-episode series, was the best yet. Continue reading Review: Dicte (S1 E4/5), Friday 24th June, More4

The Killing Times’ Euro 2016 Of Crime Drama: Happy Valley (England) v Salamander (Belgium)

EURO2016We’re back to Group C in the Euro 2016 Of Crime Drama, and even though the England football team went out of the tournament last night, their crime drama counterparts are still going strong and look likely to progress to the quarter-finals. One more win and Happy Valley is in! Continue reading The Killing Times’ Euro 2016 Of Crime Drama: Happy Valley (England) v Salamander (Belgium)